By law, can a man demand a paternity test on a child whose mother is not claiming him as the father?

It depends. As long as the mother is on board, yes. But if she's not, it can be a legal nightmare. A few weeks ago I was asked by a friend if a man can demand a paternity test on a child whose mother is not claiming him as the father. The answer is yes, but only by law. In order to get such a test done, the father has to go through court and ask for it. For example: - One of my friends told me that he had a baby while he wasn’t married - The baby’s mother agreed he could see his son whenever he wanted - My friend started paying child support as soon as the mother demanded it - After some time, he stopped seeing his son and wanted to file for a paternity test because he didn’t feel like paying any more than he had to -His ex-girlfriend denied him access to the child and did not want him to do the paternity test The easiest way to answer this question is to look at it from a legal point of view . It depends on the circumstances surrounding a child's birth. If you are claim...