Can a husband refuse to pay alimony?

Yes, but you may end up in contempt of court for doing so, so it’s best not to refuse if ordered by the court to do so.

It's important for both spouses to consider their options when it comes to divorce because, in the end, it's not just about the finances. Even if one spouse has done everything they can to make the marriage work, they need to consider what they're going to do after the divorce.

In most cases, the wife is usually the one that requires alimony payments. There are instances where a husband needs spousal support as well.

Alimony (or spousal maintenance) is usually a form of financial support that is paid by one spouse to another following a divorce or separation. It is meant to provide financial assistance for things such as housing and food until the receiving spouse is able to stand on their own two feet again and make it on their own financially.

The general rule when it comes to alimony is that whoever has been dependent on the other person throughout the time of the marriage will have a better chance of being rewarded with alimony payments from the other spouse.

The person who pays alimony does not necessarily have any rights or say in how that money is spent by his or her former spouse.

There are three main types of alimony: permanent, temporary and bridge-the-gap.

Can a husband refuse to pay alimony? That's the question I am about to answer for you. As you are aware, the recent economic crisis has resulted in millions of people losing their jobs and their homes. Many families have been destroyed because of this. Studies have shown that more and more men are staying home to raise the children while their wives continue to work. The reason behind this is that these men are afraid that if they lose their job, they will be forced to pay alimony to their ex-wives. There is no denying that women make less than men do on average, but why should men be forced to pay for something that they cannot control? If a man loses his job, there is nothing he can do about it. If a woman wants a divorce, there is nothing her husband can do about it. Why should he be penalized for something he cannot control? In my opinion, this is discrimination, plain and simple!

Ascent Law LLC

8833 South Redwood Road Suite C West Jordan Utah 84088

(801) 676-5506


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