How much debt should one have before seriously considering filing for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
would say a minimum of $10,000.00 in debt. The criteria that every person will
use will be different. I used to think that I’d only file a chapter 7
bankruptcy case if I could never in my lifetime pay back the money I owed. But
the truth is: life is hard and bankruptcy laws are in place for people like me
and you. Once your income is less than your expenses, you are clearly in over
your head in terms of debt. Since this is the case, it's time to seriously
consider filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The average American has more than
$10,000 in credit card debt alone, which is much too much to be considered
normal. A good rule of thumb is to live on no more than 50 percent of your
income; with that in mind, ask yourself if you could survive on just $500 per
month if you had no access to credit cards. If not, then it's time to get rid
of all unnecessary debts before filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
When you need to talk to a Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer, call this law firm for a free bankruptcy consultation:
Ascent Law LLC
8833 S Redwood Rd Ste C
West Jordan UT 84088
(801) 676-5506
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